Ink your skin

Sukay Tattoos Uluwatu

Since 2024

Tattoo artist Sukay specializes in Fineline modern tattoos, bringing a timeless and bold style to every design. His attention to detail and passion for the art form ensure that each tattoo is a masterpiece. Whether you are looking for a Modern design or something more personalized, Sukay can bring your vision to life.

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Tattoo Artist

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My Studio

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Tattoos can be very personal and depending on the reason why you are getting a particular design.

This can even influence where on your body you end up getting it.

Sukay Tattoo Uluwatu are great at giving advice on where to get a tattoo. 

Yes, as long as you go to a reputable tattoo artist that is following all recommended safety precautions. Make sure you’re completely honest with your tattoo artist regarding any medical condition you may have or if prone to fainting. We always recommend getting a good night sleep, having a full meal and some sugar before getting a tattoo to alleviate dizziness, nausea, and to increase your pain tolerance. Getting a tattoo with a low blood sugar level is not ideal.

The truth is getting a tattoo hurts. Some areas hurt more than others and it’s different for each client depending on where they are more sensitive. A lot of clients ask about numbing creams. Their are a lot of creams on the market. One thing to consider is a lot of these creams wear off during the tattoo and then it can feel more sensitive than it would have without the cream. Some creams you can order online and you can get from your doctor. If you are thinking about using a cream always talk to your artist beforehand.

If you’re sick it’s best to reschedule. Your tolerance to pain and stress will be low, and your artist probably does not want to catch anything.

If your pregnant, you will need to schedule for after baby is born. A tattoo can be to stressful on the body for a pregnant mother.

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